
30 Mar 2006
Tags: VitaminSEE

This build fixes a number of memory leaks in VitaminSEE, where memory wasn’t being freed when a window was closed, thus causing VitaminSEE to consume a large amount of memory over a long session.

VitaminSEE v0.7.1.2 (Universal Binary)
VitaminSEE v0.7.1.2 (for 10.3.x)
VitaminSEE v0.7.1.2 Source


  1. Full screen interface.
    Very nice - but a Aperture-type gray pallete for the menus would look much better imho.

    And another request - an option that will only display 64×64 thimbnails in the thumbnail pane - the default ones are too big for smaller (800×600) displays

  2. Tried it out. But wish I could have the option of displaying PDFs as thumbnails.

  3. Love your application but how do I view my portrait (vertical) shots? They are rotated in the thumbnail and they are rotated images but VitaminSEE doesn’t recognize or display verticals in the viewer. Is there something I’m missing here? Thank you! Deb

  4. Deb, this sounds like a bug. Could you please email me (one) of these images, so I can figure out what’s going on for the next version?

  5. Hi, great software. One observation: there doesn’t seem to be any way to control the default window size: every time I open an image it defaults to a (relatively) small window, and the image shrunk to fit it. Even if I enlarge the window, the next time I launch VitaminSEE it’s small again.

    I’d love to see 1) an option to “remember this window size” for future launches, and 2) an option for “view at Actual Size” by default, which is usually what I want (unless the image is larger than my screen).


  6. Excellent program! It looks to be exactly what I was looking for - a graphical interface which allows tagging of images, before I run my archiving scripts on them. A couple of comments:

    1) I notice the same problem as Deb: vertical images are not properly rotated. My camera includes the rotation information in the metadata. Most applications recognise this (Finder, Preview, iPhoto, etc) this and flip the photo accordingly, but VitaminSee does not seem to do so.

    2) Keyword tagging only seems to work for .jpg; it does not seem to work for .raw (specifically, Olympus RAW: .orf), and .png. I don’t know if this is a limitation with the Exif2 library or the interface. This is not a huge problem, but it would be nice.

    3) I can consistently crash the program by doing the following:
    a) Open preferences, and edit Keywords
    b) Click on a tag (to edit the name)
    c) Click on Remove

    Regardless, this is a very nice program which does exactly what I need. Thank you very much!

  7. Great: simple and efficient!

    Do you (or someone else) work on VitaminSEE? Please tell me Yes ;-)